"All mentioned success would never have been possible without the great support of the entire afu-tech team. I am greatful to have such beautiful people around me and supporting me all the time – a big thank you to all of you. " - Axel Fuchs
„Business Case pressed parts“ incl. dies for an electric-car of a famous premium car manufacturer in Europe
Peter V. L. – Head Manufacturing Engineering at the premium car manufacturer - „We did not know that there are real external press shop experts like you. Without your experience and expertise, we would never have been able to finish the "pressed parts business case" incl. dies in such a short period. Thank you very much for that, Axel.“
Press Shop Initiative – Analysis, evaluation, benchmarking and optimisation of press shops and the internal die shop incl. die maintenance at the leading manufacturer of automobile seats – Mother company / HQ / USA –
Arnulf K. - Director Change Office - „Once again, congratulations to the entire team for successfully completing the work with Axel on time. It is obvious that this activity is more than a project - it has become a journey for our plant. I am confident that we will gradually take our stamping capabilities in our plant to the next level."
Benchmarking of a greenfield planning of a press shop, with several bays for EV manufacturing in China.
President of the German premium OEM in China - "I need a benchmarking of our internal press shop planning from a renowned external press shop expert. I want to make sure, that our new press shop fulfills latest techology standards and our requirements to quality and performance."
Greenfield project in Saudi-Arabia – Planning of a press shop with several bays incl. a state of the art die shop, to cover our ambitious goals in manufacturing EV.“
Matthew McC. - Responsible for press shop planning at customer in Saudi-Arabia - "Axel, obviously you are the guy who can answer my questions within 5 minutes..."
International supplier management – ensure supply of building lot of prototype cars with EDUs - industrialisation and validation of the assembly process and the entire assembly line incl. trial test benches for the EDU´s of luxury- and performance cars of a performance car manufacturer from southern part of Germany.
Karen H. – Programm Manager at TOP US-TIER 1. „Thank you, Axel, I learned a great deal working with you! Greetings!“
Increase of production output by 100% within one week at an electric lamination high-speed blanking line for manufacturing of rotor- and stator stacks via punch-bundling. Project e-bike (BOSCH company)
Projektleader at BOSCH company: „Since Mr. Fuchs is on board, the progress and improvements are by far way better than before.“.
High level technologicial consulting along the value chain of electric lamination manufacturing for a German TOP TIER 1 in the automotive industry
PM customer - "We needed an expert which is quite familiar with the entire value chain of the electric lamination manufacturing. That was the reason why we have choosen afu-tech."
Due dilligence report in technology excellence und executive-consulting to a leading automotive TIER 1 from South America, as part of a company investment in a German TIER 1 to expand the technological portfolio.
Josef N. - Director Structural Components & Electric Vehicles - „Mr. Fuchs you were highly recommended by a good friend of mine. He told me, if you want to work with the best one in this business, then you have to talk to Axel Fuchs, from afu-tech.“
Q-Project – Streamlining of all processes in our press shops across UK and creation of a new quality handbook.
Arnulf L. - Chief Engineer, Head of Technologies and Programmes, Tooling & Pressed Parts Group of a famous Premium car manufacturer in UK – „You are chosen to do the Q-Project, which is directly assigned by our Group CEO Dr. Ralf S.“
Comprehensive planning of a high-tech tool shop with several bays, for manufacturing of all stamping- and forming tools and injection molds incl. tryout-presses, entire machining equipment, staff planning, budgets and office bilding for a new car manufacturer in Vietnam.
Florian R. – Head of technology stamping tools at the leading German engineering service provider in Germany - "Your overall concept and the layouts are fantastic!"
CIP - introduction and optimisation in the fields of serial production - tool shop and special car production of a manufacturer of armored special vehicles.
Dr. Frank L. – MD of a consulting company for the automotive industry –
„The CIP training of the leadership and the team members from different fields across the company incl. the subsequent optimisation of those fields, has to be done by you because of your excellence in lean production and huge expertise in CIP methods."
Analytical review and assessment of damages at screw spindles for mechanical screwing in the final assembly at a German premium car manufacturer. – Calculation of permissible stresses and testing of design strength for load-bearing components.
Stefan H. – MD and shareholder of a international engineering service provider in the automotive industry – „Axel, we have a big issue with components breaking that we can't solve ourselves. That's when afu-tech came to my mind"
Planning of a press shop incl. tryout-press of 2.000 t press force – Press specification acc. to EU-standards (CE), to ensure the import of Chinese presses to Germany.
Joachim K. – shareholder and MD of an international tool service provider fort he automotive industry – „We need a brand new 2.000ton tryout-press incl. the press shop. We don´t know anyone who is more capable and familiar in this field than you and who is also an absolutely Asian-expert.“
Analysis, benchmarking and optimisation analysis of a tool shop (150 people) for stamping and forming tools / transfer tools fort he automotive industry.
Dr. Frank L. – MD of a consulting company for the automotive industry – „We are doing a benchmarking and optimisation of a well known tool shop. You are second to none in this field…!
Hochregallager-Konzept und Handbuch für External Warehouse Management (EWM), für wesentliche Bauteile eines kpl. neu entwickelten Diesel-Motors von Mercedes-Benz
Christian F. – GF eines deutschen Beratungsunternehmens – „Wir haben ein sehr komplexes Projekt von einem Premium OEM aus Süddeutschland bekommen. Das ist genau das richtige für Dich.“
Multi-Projektmanagement für drei Projekte parallel - vollautomatische Laserschweißanlagen für Getrieberäder für VW, Magna und Getrag.
Thomas A. – geschäftsführender Gesellschafter eines deutschen Herstellers von Laserschweißanlagen – „Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und Hilfe bei den zuletzt wirklich schwierigen Projekten.“
Drei Jahre exklusive Beratung und vor Ort-Umsetzung von Projekten, bei einem deutschen Hersteller von Premium- und Luxus-Automobilen und dessen JV-Partner in China
Spektrum: Standort-/Presswerkserweiterungen in Deutschland und China, Presswerkplanung - Auslegung Produktionsstrategie und PW-Performance - Erstellung von Pressenspezifikationen D/E - RfQ´s – Tenderausschreibungen -Projektmanagement – Follow-up und Pressen-Abnahmen weltweit - Investitionsanträge - Gesamt-Budgets - alle Pressenklassen, kpl. Tandemlinien inkl. FOL-/EOL-Systeme – Revitas
Thomas B. - Senior Manager Planning stamping parts eines deutschen Hersteller von Premium- und Luxus-Automobilen - „Axel, in der Liga wo du spielst, spielen weltweit nur sehr wenige.“
Frank E. - Senior Manager Stamping- and equipment planning eines deutschen Hersteller von Premium- und Luxus-Automobilen - „Axel, du hast über drei Jahre für uns einen verdammt guten Job gemacht. Dankeschön dafür.“
Zhang Y. - Projektleiter Joint Venture eines deutschen Premium OEM in China - „afu, Du bist der Beste Pressen- und Presswerkexperte und wir sind froh, dass wir dich hier haben."
Zhang D. - Supervisor of Stamping Process Group des Joint Ventures eines deutschen Premium OEM in China: „afu, wir danken dir sehr für deine hervorragende Arbeit. Wir haben unserem deutschen Mutterkonzern deutlich gemacht, dass wir dringend weiter deine Unterstützung brauchen, damit das Projekt erfolgreich ist.“
Vortrag über das Stanzpaketieren von Elektroblechen
Peter D. - Leiter Planung Strategie Asien in einem Weltkonzern für Technologie und Energie – „Wir wollen vom Besten lernen, deshalb haben wir Sie geholt.“
Machbarkeitsstudie (feasibility study) zur Validierung des Produktionsprozesses von speziellen Segmentblechen / Elektroblechen für einen globalen Hersteller von Energie- und Stromversorgungssystemen
Roger S. - GF eines Schweizer Beratungsunternehmens - "Herr Fuchs, Sie sind einer der führenden Köpfe auf diesem Gebiet, deshalb haben wir Sie engagiert."
Vortrag in Porto Alegre / Brasilien - auf Einladung von Prof. Dr. Lirio Schäfer - SENAFOR Tagung. Thema: „Tendenzen und Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Elektroblechherstellung.“
Technische Beratung zur Konzepterstellung und Auslegung von Stapelanlagen für vollautomatische Elektroblech-Schneidanlagen und Nutenstanzanlagen
Werner S. GF eines führenden deutschen Unternehmens in der Pressenautomation – „Wir haben Fragen, die uns nur Sie als führender Experte im E-Blech Bereich beantworten können.“
Technische und konzeptionelle Beratung zur Auslegung von Schnellläuferschneidanlagen inkl. Bandanlage, Werkzeuge im Folgeschnitt und Abstapeleinrichtung, zur Herstellung von Elektroblechen
Jörg B. - Geschäftsführer eines süddt. Pressenherstellers – „Wir haben in diesem Bereich wenig Erfahrung, deshalb brauchen wir Ihre Expertise als Pressen- und Werkzeugspezialist.“
Optimierung Pressen Design inkl. Pressensteuerungssystem von Schnellläuferpressen / Hemming Bird, Nutenstanzen und Stanz- und Umformpressen
Rick S. – General Manager eines TOP Pressenhersteller- USA – „Axel, it is our pleasure to have you here to support us.“